🔔 Prepare for eIDAS 2.0 now: with workshop & live testing of your use cases.

About us - About Verimi

Verimi is your partner for digital onboarding, digital signing and secure log-in. 
We offer companies and organisations all relevant procedures for identification, authentication and signature for both regulated environments and non-regulated mass applications. We also configure our solutions individually ‘as a service’ and advise and support companies in the digitalisation of use cases and in the eIDAS 2.0 environment.

Grafik mit den Verimi Produkten: Unterschreiben, Identifizieren, Bezahlen und einloggen
Icon mit Übersicht über die Ident-Methoden: Video, Foto, eID, Wallet, Bank und Local.

Verimi: digital identity checks made easy!

For the identification of customers, Verimi offers the Photo-Ident, Bank-Ident, eID-Ident, Video-Ident, Local-Ident and Wallet-Ident procedures with many individual features depending on industry and partner requirements. We also offer qualified (QES) and advanced (AdES) signatures.

Verimi wallet solutions allow users to store their personal documents in a verified and secure manner, such as their ID cards, driving licence, health card or contact details. The Verimi solutions for Wallet, Ident and Sign fulfil the highest regulatory standards and are certified and approved multiple times, e.g. by the BMI, BaFin, gematik and in accordance with eIDAS.

Identify with Verimi-this is how it works


Identify with ID photos and selfie.


Identify yourself via the login to online banking.


Identify yourself with the online ID function.


Show your ID in a video call with an employee.


Identify yourself to an employee on site.


Identify with the ID Wallet with one click.

Our other products

In addition to services for the digital identification of customers, our product portfolio also includes digital signature, login and payment services – integrated directly into the partner process or as a wallet-as-a-service offering. 

Verimi Sign

Use Verimi for digital signatures. Digitise your business processes end-to-end by having your customers sign applications, contracts or confirmations digitally, for example.

Verimi Access

Simplify and secure the log-in to your service portals or recurring applications with the Verimi single sign-on (SSO) and strong authentication using a second factor (2-FA).

Verimi Consult

Prepare for the requirements of the eIDAS regulation! Validate the EUDI wallet fit of your business processes with live prototypes from Verimi and further develop digital processes.


Use Verimi for customised solutions: E.g. for logging in, for a specific wallet in the company or in the industry. In your own design, with a customised user experience.

Our guidelines

With our services, we not only make digital life more convenient, but above all more secure. It is important to us that you can trust us at all times. That is why we have created guidelines to which we are committed – with every service we offer you. The security of our users is always at the centre of everything we do: at Verimi, users retain an overview of where their data is used. No one has access to their data without their express consent. Users retain control over their own data.

We secure your data

Data in users' Verimi accounts is individually encrypted and can only be viewed by them. Users can additionally secure their account with two-factor authentication.

Strong partners from the economy

Our shareholders and partners include numerous established international companies. Together with them, we are creating a cross-industry standard solution that is used in the mobility sector as well as in banking and e-government.

Data backup in Europe

Verimi stores all data on servers in Germany and Europe. We not only comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but also live by the principle of ‘security by design’.

You retain control

Our Verimi ID Wallet offers full transparency: users can see at any time when and with which device they last logged into their Verimi account and with which partners they have used their data.

Our business model

At Verimi, we are regularly asked how we earn money. We do not charge users any fees and do not market user data for advertising purposes. So where do we get our revenue from? It’s simple: users can store their data in the Verimi ID wallet. If they use it with one of our business partners, e.g. to identify themselves online, we receive a fee from our business partner. Users retain full control: every time they want to share data with a Verimi business partner, they have to confirm the data transfer.

We also develop and operate customised solutions for our partners in an ‘as-a-service’ model. We charge our clients directly for our services. With our products, our partners can provide their customers with their own services relating to digital identity, secure log-in or digital signing. We also advise our partners and offer infrastructures for creating and testing customised digital use cases.

Our approvals & certifications for your safety

eIDAS confirmation of conformity (substantial)

eIDAS trust service for the identification of legal entities and natural persons

BMI authorisation for user accounts substantial

ISO/IEC 27001

ZAG licence from BaFin (e.g. for AIS, PIS)

OpenID Foundation

Gematik authorisation: Verimi Wallet-as-a-Service product as a sectoral identity provider

Compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

KJM Rating: Age verification

Individual encryption of user data & accounts

Whether in the e-health environment for BARMER, in the financial sector or for EUDI wallet-compatible solutions for the EU field tests: T-Systems and Verimi work in partnership to develop innovative solutions for secure digital identities at the highest level.

Dirk Backofen

Tribe Lead for Digital Identities Deutsche Telekom AG / T-Systems International GmbH

With Verimi, we have the right partner at our side to offer customers and interested parties a unique digital and cross-channel identity and signature experience.

Jakob Sprenger

Product Lead eSignature & Identity
Volkswagen Financial Services AG

Data protection is particularly important to us, which is why we use Verimi, the leading authentication platform in Germany, for the digital DGV card of our 642,000 golfers.

Claus M. Kobold

President of the
German Golf Association e.V.