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Video Library

Everything you need to know about digital identity solutions, ID methods, ID wallets and more.


ID-Wallet Tutorial

Create an ID wallet with Verimi to easily identify yourself to partners in the future, create digital signatures or share your ID data as a PDF.

Photo-Ident Tutorial

With Verimi Foto-Ident, you can conveniently identify yourself at any time. All you have to do is take a photo of your ID document and take a selfie.

Bank-Ident Tutorial

With Verimi Bank-Ident you can identify yourself conveniently and without any ID documents – all you need is your familiar online banking access.

Video-Ident Tutorial

With Verimi Video-Ident you can have yourself identified online and still in person. You will be guided through the identification process step by step in a video call.

eID-Ident Tutorial

With Verimi eID-Ident, the identity data stored in the official ID document can be read easily and directly.

Expert interviews

What is a QES?

In this video, Florian from Vermi explains what a Qualified Electronic Signature is and how it can be used.

What is an ID wallet?

In this video, Laura from Verimi explains what an ID wallet is, how it works and what advantages it offers.

Secure identification with

In this video, Milena from Verimi explains what a Bank-Ident is and why it is a secure identification method.