Verimi Local-Ident: Digital identity check at the PoS

Your customers identify themselves digitally, securely and in compliance with the AMLA at the point of sale. The ID documents are captured digitally and used directly for digital connection processes (e.g. QES).

Auswahlbildschirm auf einem Tablet zeigt einen neuen deutschen Personalausweis und einen Reisepass zur Identifikation.

Save time and paper: Verimi digitizes your on-site customer verification

Your customers identify themselves on site in conversation with a trained employee – securely and digitally.

Identification with Verimi Local-Ident is suitable for a wide range of industries and use cases to digitize on-site processes.

Your advantages at a glance

Regulation-compliant with Verimi Local-Ident

Verimi Local-Ident fulfills the regulatory requirements. We enable you to create MLA, TKG and eIDAS-compliant identifications.

Easy and
digital process

Identify your customers digitally to digitize and accelerate end-to-end workflows in your company.

Fast and convenient identification on site

The POS Ident procedure is particularly user-friendly and barrier-free thanks to personal on-site support.

Paperless identification process

Preparation of contract documents, checking, scanning and printing of documents can be omitted.

Identification in 5 steps –
How it works

Verify legal entities eIDAS-compliant at the point of sale

With Verimi, you can also verify the identity of legal entities and the natural person authorised to represent them as part of your digital business processes. Documents can then be digitally signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES). This verifies both the acting natural person and the company data as well as the authorisation to represent the company.

The eIDAS-compliant identification of legal persons at the point of sale is already being used successfully by Verimi partners in the context of Internet-based vehicle registration.

Our test procedures provide simple and effective protection against fraud

Document authenticity

Is the ID document genuine and forgery-free?

Fraud prevention

Can attempts at fraud be ruled out?

Validity check

Is the ID document valid?

Liveliness test

Is a living person identified?

Data cross-reference check

Does the data read match the data on the ID document?

Combine Verimi Local-Ident with other products

Verimi Sign - Digital and legally compliant signing

Enable your customers to digitally and legally sign documents, such as purchase contracts or applications, using a qualified electronic signature (QES). It’s easy with Verimi Sign.

Verimi Access - Convenient access to your online portal

Your customers use Verimi’s Single Sign-On (SSO) to log in to your customer portal securely with just a few clicks. In the same process, they can easily transfer data from their Verimi ID wallet, e.g. name and address.

Other Verimi Ident methods at a glance


With the online ID function of the ID card, customers can prove their identity in compliance with the AMLA using the NFC function of their smartphone. Verimi eID-Ident enables a simple and secure process.


Proof of identity using a photo of the ID document and a selfie makes it very easy for your customers! Verimi Photo-Ident allows you to securely verify the identity of your customers in just a few minutes.


Your customers identify themselves to an employee in a video call. With identity verification during the conversation, you are opting for an AMLA-compliant method that meets high security requirements.


Your customers use their data already stored in the Verimi ID Wallet to identify themselves to you, log in, pay and sign with just one click. MLA-compliant, secure and completely digital.

Which identification method is best for my company?

We help you to find the best identification method for your use case and for your customers – regardless of whether it is MLA-, TKG-, KYC-compliant or unregulated. ​

How you can use Verimi-Ident in your industry

Our solutions are versatile and can be used for both regulated and non-regulated industries and use cases. Find out more about the possible applications here.

Banking/ Finance

Your customers identify themselves to you digitally, securely and legally – e.g. to open a bank account or conclude a loan agreement.


Enable digital identification processes on the Internet, e.g. for new patients or for members when submitting applications.


Whether selling SIM cards or concluding contracts – with Verimi-Ident, your customers can easily identify themselves to you via smartphone.


Protect yourself from fraud! With Verimi, you can identify your customers legally and securely, e.g. when taking out insurance policies.


Check drivers' driving licenses and ID documents, e.g. in the context of car sales or vehicle leasing.

Betting providers

Your players identify themselves easily and securely online, e.g. for gambling.


Speed up your administrative processes with digital ID checks, e.g. for easy submission of applications via the Internet.

Vacation & Travel

Digital check-in from home or on site: Verimi allows you to check the identity of your customers easily and with legal certainty.

Online Gaming

Your players can prove their age and identity conveniently via the Internet, for example to register on your online platform.

Associations & clubs

Verimi-Ident enables paperless identification processes online or at your premises – e.g. when you accept new members.

Talk to our experts

We will be happy to help you find the right solutions and offers for you. Simply fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kathrin Crawford

Ufuk Irmak

Numerous partners trust Verimi

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Data protection is an important issue for us. Here you find our Privacy Policy.

Verimi Local-Ident

Your customer identifies themself on site, securely and legally compliant. During the identity check their identification document is recorded electronically.

5-step identification

How it works:

Employee guided identification

When using Local-Ident, the identification is carried out by employees who directly or indirectly distribute or mediate your goods or services. It is important to ensure that these people are already experienced in dealing with money laundering law compliant identifications and receive regular training to this effect.

Your benefits at a glance

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High close rates

Your customers and employees are digitally guided through the identification

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No manual effort

Paperless identification for a simple and sustainable process

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We comply with legal and regulatory standards (AML, TCA, eIDAS)

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Fraud protection

Particularly secure through digital legitimation on site at the point of sale (POS)

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Seamless integration

Our solution fits your existing infrastructure

What's required

  • An identity card or passport
  • An iPad with the Verimi business app, provided on site

Use cases

Local-Ident is ideal if you want to identify customers digitally without manual document handling while ensuring that the legitimation process is accompanied by an employee on site at the point of sale (POS). Use Local-Ident when concluding loan agreements, vehicle sales or to allow paperless applications in government administrations or in the healthcare sector. 

Integrate Verimi Local-Ident now!

Contact us if you wish to receive more information about Verimi Local-Ident.

Talk to our experts

We will be happy to help you find the right solutions and offers for you. Simply fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kathrin Crawford

Ufuk Irmak

Numerous partners trust Verimi

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Data protection is an important issue for us. Here you find our Privacy Policy.

Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten.

Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit unserem Team. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne, die passenden Lösungen zu finden und führen Sie in einem personalisierten Gespräch durch die Verimi-Plattform und ihre Funktionen.

Andrej Schleicher

Marcel Riek

Ufuk Irmak

Zahlreiche Partner vertrauen Verimi