Deepfakes as a catalyst for digital identity: challenges and opportunities As early as 2021, there were prominent examples of deepfakes. For…
Digital identities in the healthcare sector: Which new services will be offered to policyholders in 2024
Digital identities in the healthcare sector: Which new services will be offered to policyholders in 2024
Since 1 January 2024, health insurance companies have had to provide their insured persons with digital identities – as stipulated by…
Secure and legitimate: How to register your vehicle online and without stress!
Secure and legitimate: How to register your vehicle online and without stress!
Finally, an end to visits to the authorities: since September 2023, vehicle registration has been possible entirely online! You don’t even…
Verimi facilitates digital vehicle registration with the Verimi ID Wallet and Verimi Ident processes.
Verimi facilitates digital vehicle registration with the Verimi ID Wallet and Verimi Ident processes.
Whether car, van or motorcycle: Since September 2023, vehicle registration is possible completely digitally! This applies to both natural persons –…
Now completely online with Verimi at IDEAL Insurance
Now completely online with Verimi at IDEAL Insurance
The desire not to have to go to a post office, bank, insurance company, etc. branch for every request has been…
OPTIMOS – Ecosystem for mobile digital identities
OPTIMOS – Ecosystem for mobile digital identities
The digital identity on the smartphone – that is the goal of Verimi. To ensure this, standards and technical infrastructures are…
Digitaler Behördengang mit Verimi
Digitaler Behördengang mit Verimi
Der persönliche Gang zum Amt ist immer noch müßig. Wäre es nicht besser, bequem von Zuhause digital Kindergeldanträge einzureichen oder das…
Verimi und identityTM kooperieren für sichere Identifizierung im Netz
Verimi und identityTM kooperieren für sichere Identifizierung im Netz
Verimi baut ein Vertrauensnetzwerk für digitale Identitäten in Deutschland auf und schließt strategische Partnerschaft mit identityTM. Durch die Zusammenarbeit entstehen branchenübergreifende…
Verimi partners up with Veriff
Verimi partners up with Veriff
For the past decade, the world has shifted more and more to the digital sphere and people are used to getting…
This is how digital identity made in Germany becomes successful
This is how digital identity made in Germany becomes successful
Although some have already declared it dead, the topic of digital identity is just now picking up speed in Germany. Creating…
Projekt PeopleID — Digitale Identitäten in Modellregionen
Projekt PeopleID — Digitale Identitäten in Modellregionen
Was bringen digitale Dienstleistungen, zu denen aber nicht alle Menschen Zugang haben? Die Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Gesellschaft hängt von…