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Deepfakes as a catalyst for digital identity: challenges and opportunities As early as 2021, there were prominent examples of deepfakes. For…

Digital identity management

Digital identity management

When it comes to the protection and management of digital identity data, companies need to be able to respond flexibly to…
Interview with Roland Adrian In our webinar, we will be talking about the end-to-end digitalisation of business processes, particularly when digital…
Digital identity solutions are no longer a rarity in the European Union. They are already widespread in Nordic countries such as…

The best identification processes for companies in 2024 – status and outlook

The best identification processes for companies in 2024 – status and outlook

Customers increasingly have to identify themselves digitally – to log in to many portals, to use services, to pay, to open…

Digital identities in the healthcare sector: Which new services will be offered to policyholders in 2024

Digital identities in the healthcare sector: Which new services will be offered to policyholders in 2024

Since 1 January 2024, health insurance companies have had to provide their insured persons with digital identities – as stipulated by…

EUDI-Wallets – what companies need to know right now!

EUDI-Wallets – what companies need to know right now!

EUDI Wallets – Key Questions & Answers for Businesses Digital identity is a cornerstone for the future of digitalization in Europe….

Health ID as a model for an ecosystem of digital identities

Health ID as a model for an ecosystem of digital identities

Digital identities and ID wallets are becoming increasingly important and play an important role at EU level. The German federal government…

Verimi facilitates digital vehicle registration with the Verimi ID Wallet and Verimi Ident processes.

Verimi facilitates digital vehicle registration with the Verimi ID Wallet and Verimi Ident processes.

Whether car, van or motorcycle: Since September 2023, vehicle registration is possible completely digitally! This applies to both natural persons –…

Digital identities: The future of secure and convenient identity management

Digital identities: The future of secure and convenient identity management

In an increasingly digitized world where the use of apps and tools is ubiquitous, the topic of digital identity management is…

How ID wallets help businesses effectively protect their offerings from fake accounts and fraud

How ID wallets help businesses effectively protect their offerings from fake accounts and fraud

Stolen data and fake accounts are an ever greater challenge and more topical than ever in the digital world. More and…

Send ID card copy: Verimi app simplifies the process with PDF creation and sending

Send ID card copy: Verimi app simplifies the process with PDF creation and sending

Have you ever had to send a copy of an ID card? Did you then simply photograph your ID? Did you…

Log in with Verimi – the door opener for digital services

Log in with Verimi – the door opener for digital services

How would it be if you could use all kinds of services online with just one password and your own mail…

Digitaler Behördengang mit Verimi

Digitaler Behördengang mit Verimi

Der persönliche Gang zum Amt ist immer noch müßig. Wäre es nicht besser, bequem von Zuhause digital Kindergeldanträge einzureichen oder das…

Verimi und identityTM kooperieren für sichere Identifizierung im Netz

Verimi und identityTM kooperieren für sichere Identifizierung im Netz

Verimi baut ein Vertrauensnetzwerk für digitale Identitäten in Deutschland auf und schließt strategische Partnerschaft mit identityTM. Durch die Zusammenarbeit entstehen branchenübergreifende…

There is no way around digital identification

There is no way around digital identification

Other countries in Europe are showing Germany how it’s done. Prove your identity and sign – completely digitally. This works in…

Online identification with a few clicks

Online identification with a few clicks

Business processes have become so digitized in recent years that many of them take place almost exclusively online. Times of upheaval,…

We do not use user data for advertising purposes – and that’s a good!

We do not use user data for advertising purposes – and that’s a good!

Digital identity is built on trust. Trust that companies can rely on acting with the person they claim to be. Trust…

This is how digital identity made in Germany becomes successful

This is how digital identity made in Germany becomes successful

Although some have already declared it dead, the topic of digital identity is just now picking up speed in Germany. Creating…

Why we should sign more digitally

Why we should sign more digitally

What do you do in the home office with analog tasks like signing documents and contracts? That works just as easily…

Projekt PeopleID — Digitale Identitäten in Modellregionen

Projekt PeopleID — Digitale Identitäten in Modellregionen

Was bringen digitale Dienstleistungen, zu denen aber nicht alle Menschen Zugang haben? Die Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Gesellschaft hängt von…

Regulated Identity Platforms as the Key Enabler for the Digital Economy

Regulated Identity Platforms as the Key Enabler for the Digital Economy

A digitalized world requires digital identities. This is especially true for regulated sectors such as payment and banking but also education,…